Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Questionnaire - Rosie Gunnell

In order to attract our target audience as effecively as possible, I found the perfect opportunity to do so by creating a questionnaire for them. I included questions that would help us to futhurly develop our current ideas for the filmed media piece such as questions about sound, characters, effects etc.
  1. Do you like horror movies?


No III 12%

From this, we can see a clear result that the target audience we asked, feel attracted to horror movies as a genre.

2. Do you find sound effects important in a horror movie?


No I 4%

We can see from these results that sound effects play a big part in horror movies, to help create tension and erriness to the audience. I also asked on top of this for extra research, what type of sounds help to create the atmosphere in horror movies and people of the target audience suggested sounds such as deep breathing, screams, unusual noises, creaking, doors shutting, banging, screaching cars, lightening and dogs barking. These sounds have really helped us to recognise what ones we would need to use in our movie to create something that appeals strongly to our target audience.

3. Do you like 'jumpy' films?

No III 12%

4. Does a 'build-up of trouble' appeal to you?


No IIII 16%

5. What sort of character shows vulnerability to the audience? Suggest some answers.


- Child IIIII 4%

- Animals II 8%
By using these results of a vulnerable character, we can combine the popular results of a young girl and a child together to use a vulnerable young female to appeal to the audience.

6. Which of these is a better way of creating a scary atmosphere in a horror movie?

Monster? I 4%
Spirit? IIII 16%
Character (human)? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 80%
Other? O 0%

7. In an opening sequence, do you prefer:

- A story of the past to follow (a tradition from the past in the story that continues as the film starts)? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 64%

- A story that starts as the film starts? IIIIIIIII 36%

8. Do you like bloody and ghore?



These results have helped us to get an idea of the factors that appeal to our target audience. By asking 25 people from the West Hatch sixth form media class, we were able to gather data of what they like in a horror movie and to work out a percentage for each answer, making it easier for us to recognise the popular ideas. Now we have got our appropriate information, we are able to use the data to help us gather more ideas for our AS media movie clip.

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